Glossary Term H – Best Affiliate Programs
Hidden Text
A technique used by sites to increase the amount of keywords on a page so search engines will give a higher ranking. The text is usually the same color as the background of the page, or is too small for people to read. This technique is another unwelcomed way to boost search engine ranking. It can result in removal from a search engine or other penalties.
In popular web hosting stats such as webalizer, the word "hit" is used to describe a single request made by a web browser. Hits are often confused with page views - most people don't understand that when one page is viewed several hits on the server can take place. For instance each GIF or image that loads counts as a hit.
The company where a website is hosted. A host will provide the software, hardware, backups, etc. that are needed to create a site.
Hosting Plan
Hosting plans are plans that allow a user to start their own website. These are offered by web hosters. Hosting plans come with many different features at different prices. Many times, someone will buy a hosting plan to start their own business on the internet.
An early and big search engine that was started in 1996.
A piece of text or graphic with a link that will take you somewhere else (on another site or a different part of the same site) when clicked.
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. This is the protocol that allows a user to jump from one document to another on the world wide web.
A tool or device that splits a network cable into a few network cables that can be used to connect other computers to the first. This creates a small area network.
This is also called a hotlink. A hyperlink connects a user to another page on a website or to another website altogether when it is clicked on.